Traffic Safety

Traffic Safety

In the City of Victoria, there are county and state roads in addition to city streets.

The City works collaboratively with Carver County and the Minnesota Department of Transportation on traffic and safety issues within the city. The city installs and maintains street signs, lane striping and pavement markings on city streets. If you have a traffic safety concern, email our city engineer.

Slow/Safe Public Safety Campaign

Slower = safer! The roads in our residential neighborhoods have a speed limit of 25 MPH. Make sure to follow the 25 MPH speed limit in the residential neighborhoods of Victoria, Minnesota. Motorists share these roads with more than just other motorists. Please keep these roads safe for pedestrians, bikers, children at play, and pets. 

According to the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, there were 364 traffic fatalities in Minnesota during 2019. Of those fatalities, 50 were pedestrians and 10 were bicyclists. And 75 of those fatalities were known to be speed related, while 34 were distracted driving related. 

To help create awareness about the 25 MPH speed limit in neighborhoods and to promote safer and slower driving on residential roads, the City of Victoria created the Slow/Safe Public Safety Campaign. You may see signs reminding motorists about the 25 MPH speed limit located in neighborhoods around Victoria.

Community Resources

The City of Victoria has created several community resources that community members can use to remind motorists in their neighborhoods that the speed limit is 25 MPH and that slower is safer. Printed materials are available at City Hall for community members to pick up. There is a limited supply of each resource. Contact City Hall if you would like to reserve one of the options.

Slow/Safe 25 MPH Yard Signs (Limited Supply)
The Slow/Safe 25 MPH Yard Signs are available at City Hall for pick up from community members.

Slow/Safe 25 MPH Decals (Limited Supply)
The Slow/Safe 25 MPH Removeable Decals are available at City Hall for pick up from community members.

Speed Reduction to 25 in Victoria Neighborhoods

In 2020, the City of Victoria’s City Council passed a resolution (No. 2020-11)  to reduce the speed limits on residential roads (city street or town road that is either less than one-half mile in total length or in an area zoned exclusively for housing that is not a collector or arterial street) from 30 miles per hour (MPH) to 25 MPH. Minnesota cities are able to set speed limits on city-owned streets as of August 1, 2019. This authority does not cover county or state roads. Explore more information about speed limits.

City Streets in Victoria

In Victoria, there are county and state roads in addition to city streets. The City works collaboratively with Carver County and the Minnesota Department of Transportation on traffic and safety issues within the city. The City installs and maintains street signs, lane striping and pavement markings on city streets.

Traffic Signs
The City follows the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, in compliance with federal and state requirements, regarding placement of signs along city streets.

Stop Signs
In the correct location and under the right conditions, stop signs are one of the most valuable traffic control devices. A stop sign has one main function: It indicates which vehicle has the right of way when regular rules of the road, sign obstructions or traffic volumes make that unclear or difficult or dangerous to judge. Stop signs are not a traffic calming device. National research continues to show that stop signs are not an effective tool for reducing traffic speed, and when placed incorrectly can make an intersection less safe. Requests for stop signs should be directed by email to the city engineer for consideration. Typically, the requesting resident must submit a neighborhood petition showing strong support for the request. The city engineer will review speed data, accident records, clear view triangle surveys and other relevant data when considering a stop sign at a particular location.

  • If a sight obstruction in the clear view triangle contributes to a sense of danger or a history of accidents at the intersection, staff should order the removal of the obstruction before considering a stop sign.
  • If the average speed at the 85th percentile is more than five miles per hour over the speed limit, police should increase enforcement in the area before considering a stop sign.
Absent engineering data which clearly indicates the need for a stop sign, a residential intersection should be left uncontrolled. The city engineer's decision is subject to appeal to the city council.

No Parking Signs
Requests for No Parking signs must be submitted by email to the city engineer, who may require the requesting resident to submit a neighborhood petition showing strong support for the request or conduct a neighborhood meeting to solicit input. These signs will not be installed on a street when the street design adequately supports parking for the benefit of the public.

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